In deze uitzending spraken we o.a. met zanger Jeremy Maassen betreft ons ”album v/d maand” Deathisfaction – Blackenend Reign. De playlist was als volgt:

Eerste uur:

Bruce Dickinson – Rain on the Graves

The Gems – Fruits of my Labor

Crimson Glory – Triskaideka

Gotus – Without your Love

Hvalross – Running the Gauntlet

Madder Mortem – Towers

Album v/d maand: Deathisfaction – Ritual of Delth

Hellripper – All Hail the Goat

Dead Head – The Age of Hype

Tweede uur:     

Omega Diatribe – My Sphere

Cover v/d week: Vanden Plas – Kiss of Death

Burning Legion – Injustice

Necrophobic – As Stars Collide

Baggerbox: The Damned – Neat, Neat, Neat

Album v/d maand: Deathisfaction – Trapped Forever

The Deathtones – Thankskillig (Gobble, Gobble, Hey!)

Bloodphemy – Demented Masquerade

4Banned – Blood War Death

Testament – Over the Wall