In deze uitzending spraken we o.a. met Earik Mortem beteft 20 jaar The Lucifer Principle.

De playlist was als volgt:

Eerste uur:

Majestica – A New Beginning

Skyeye – Railroad of Dreams

Tungsten – Vantablack

Album v/d maand: Orange Goblin – The Justice Knife

The Nail – The Nail

The Lucifer Principle – Play Dead

Deicide – Sever the Tongue

Chained Saint – Animosity

Accuser – Beneath your Dignity

Tweede uur:

Falcon Trails – Fastlane

Cover v/d week: Butcher Babies – There Comming to Take Me Away

Curse Upon A Prayer – Ortopraxia

Thin Lizzy – Dedication

Bagger?box: Nuclear Mercy – ‘AI generated song’

Texas Toast Chainsaw Massacre – Game Over

Engine – Lock me Up

Killersick – Grim Reaper

Sodom – The Crippler